Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese healing method of inserting fine needles into specific points which lie along the meridians or energetic pathways of the body. This conductivity is said to be Qi (‘Chee’) and triggers the body’s natural healing response. It is difficult to describe exactly what Qi is. All the body’s processes (hormonal, digestive, nervous etc) are electro-chemical in nature and the needles conduct this current along the meridians to the organs. However, the concept of Qi is much broader than this. It can be loosely translated as ‘life force’, describing a person’s own particular energy and well-being on all levels: body, mind and spirit.

Traditional Eastern medicine has a long history and different approaches to treatment suit different patients and conditions.

Rahul Pillai

Rahul completed his five-year training at the London College of Traditional Acupuncture (LCTA) and has been working as an acupuncturist since 2004, a Tuina remedial massage therapist since 2005 and a Chinese herbalist since 2006. He has also trained in herbal dispensing and pharmacognosy.

He has a special interest in gynaecology, male and female infertility and pregnancy care.  He has worked at Conceive since 2015, during which time he has supported countless women on their fertility journey, and onwards through their pregnancy.

His practice is profoundly influenced by Canonical/Classical Chinese medicine (CCM). This is one of the earliest forms of Chinese medicine and is very effective in terms of both cost and time, as it provides herbal and acupuncture treatment protocols of beautiful simplicity. The effectiveness of CCM is proven by the fact that its tried and tested herbal formulas are still in use almost 2,000 years after they were first prescribed.

He also has a special interest in dermatology.

Rahul has also taught at the College of Oriental Medicine in Ireland as a lecturer in Chinese herbology and prescriptionology, as well as a clinical practice supervisor.

Rahul is a member of the British Acupuncture Association (BAcC) and the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM). He also has an MA in Modern Languages from Cambridge University and is fluent in French, German, Dutch, Russian and Italian, as well as in Hindi and Bengali. He also speaks basic Mandarin.


Initial consultation – 1.5 hours: £85
Follow-up sessions – 45 mins: £70

Chinese New Year offer:  Acupuncture package consisting of 6 follow-up acupuncture treatments of approx. 1 hour each: £390 in total to be fully redeemed within 6 months

For more information please see or /

To make a booking, please email or telephone 07957 641946.

Or to contact Rahul directly, please call or text 07789 204937.

Deborah Warden

debs3Deborah Warden has been awarded a BSc (Hons) Acupuncture degree by the University of Greenwich, which is accredited by the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board (BAAB) and a Licentiate in Acupuncture (Lic Ac) by the International College of Oriental Medicine.

Deborah is an experienced acupuncturist who finds great reward in helping people overcome illness and reach a vibrant level of health.  She has had success using acupuncture to treat a range of conditions including digestive problems, IBS, gynaecological issues, fertility and IVF, musculoskeletal and joint conditions, lower back pain, auto-immune disorders, headaches, respiratory conditions, migraines, insomnia, menopausal issues, irregular menstrual cycles, tinnitus and allergies such as hay fever. A growing area of specialism is treating emotional disorders such as stress, anxiety and depression.

Deborah has a keen interest in helping women who are trying to conceive either naturally or through IVF treatment having undertaken a number of post-graduate training courses with stalwart teachers such as Debra Betts and Jill Glover. In addition to providing pregnancy support, including help with morning sickness, encouraging breech babies to turn and labour to commence, she is also trained to treat conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, unexplained miscarriage and menstrual issues. She is also a member of the London Acupuncture Childbirth Team (London ACT).

Tailoring her treatment method from patient to patient she undertakes a full medical history including body diagnosis, reviews life style and diet, then combines this with her training in Stems & Branches, classical acupuncture and the more contemporary Five Element acupuncture theory for the best outcome.  Treatments look to address the underlying constitution and all aspects of the individual, as well as the presenting signs and symptoms, in order to promote optimal wellbeing and limit reoccurrence.  As well as frequently using moxibustion in her treatments she will also give nutritional advice within the parameters of Chinese Medicine.

Deborah’s practice has been strongly influenced by own her personal recovery, with the aid of acupuncture, from a serious sporting accident several years ago. As a fully qualified massage therapist, she also combines massage with acupuncture, where appropriate, to achieve the best results.

She is a member of BACC, the British Acupuncture Council, whose members are vetted and approved by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care ensuring high standards of training, safe practice and professional conduct.


Initial consultation: £110

This includes time to go through your health case questionnaire together and gives me the opportunity to find out more about your lifestyle and history of health concerns. There is then a full assessment of your body from a Chinese Medicine view point, including tongue, abdominal and pulse diagnosis.

Follow-up sessions: £75

Packages available:

For 10 follow up sessions £700.  Valid for 8 months.  This is best for new clients who have a longer term health goal and will require weekly sessions.

For 6 follow up sessions £425.  Valid for 6 months.  Useful for clients who have seen improvement after weekly sessions and would like to continue taking care of themselves with monthly sessions.

The balance is due at the end of the first session.

For more information please see

To make a booking, please contact Deborah by email on

or by telephone on 07834 767788