Spring has been our theme this term at Wise Kids Yoga. I have been encouraging our children to look at the world immediately around them and bring their attention to the wonderment of nature. We’ve not been short of inspiration as spring bursts into action. We started with making mandalas with blossom and then we decorated small mandalas of flowers, butterflies and insects to create a beautiful garden scene. This garden scene has been made by children from Wise Kids Yoga at Goose Green Clinic, St. John & St. Clements and Rosendale Schools throughout the term. It represents poses we have been doing – the lady bird, wriggly worm, dragonfly, butterfly, frogs and tadpoles and flower poses, lotus, kundalini lotus and the cycle of seeds to plants and trees and buzzy bee breathing.
Mehala Ford
Wise Kids yoga classes are restarting in the week commencing June 16th..
Mondays 4-5pm (4-6 year olds)
Thursdays 4.15-5.15pm (9-11 year olds)